Digital Color LED vs Laser Printer – Which one to Choose in 2023?

Digital color LED printers and Laser printers are currently ruling the consumer printing market. So, it’s hard to choose between digital color LED printer vs Laser printer. 

But don’t worry. This article is all about the differences between Digital color LED printers and Laser printers. 

Although these two printers have a lot of resemblances, they still differ in terms of the functioning mechanism. Therefore, both of them have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. So, bear with me as we dive into the topic of digital color led vs laser printers.

What is a Digital Color Printer?

A digital color printer, more commonly known as a LED printer is a non-impact printing device that is very similar to a Laser printer. But instead of using laser beams, they use an array of LEDs or light-emitting diodes that span the entire length of the drum and flash a whole line at a single time.

Due to the simplicity of LED arrays, the printing process of a led printer is quite reliable. But like most other electronic devices, they also have a set of advantages and disadvantages. So, let’s dive headfirst into them:

Advantages of Digital Color Printer:

  • Comparatively less expensive than laser printers.
  • Very reliable and durable due to the simplicity of the printing process.
  • Doesn’t have any moving component.
  • Small in size.
  • Simpler functioning mechanism than Laser printers.
  • Slightly faster printing speed than Laser printers.
  • Lower operating cost than Laser printers.

Disadvantages of Digital Color Printer:

  • Comparatively lower image quality than Laser printers.
  • Can’t change the resolution.
  • Individual LEDs can fall out of alignment which is troublesome.

What are Digital Color Printer used for?

Much like laser printers, Digital Color LED printers are mostly used for their fast printing speed. Due to the simplicity of LED arrays, they don’t contain any moving components which makes them more reliable and durable. Furthermore, they are less costlier than laser printers. Because of these reasons, they are suitable for many places and are preferred by many consumers.

Many of the experts even believe that LED technology is the future of the printing industry and we must say, they have their fair reasons for that.


What is a Laser Printer?

A Laser printer is a non-impact-impact printing device that is based on laser technology. 

They use a laser beam that tracks back and forth across a drum in sequence, emitting thousands of light bursts per second. This process produces static electricity that attracts the toner onto the drum, which is then passed onto a piece of paper to create outputs.

The resolution of a Laser printer depends on the number of lines it can draw in a given unit, along with the maximum number of times the laser can be pulsed on and off within that line. Because of this unique printing mechanism, Laser printers have a set of advantages and disadvantages. So, without wasting another word let’s dive into the topic:

Advantages of Laser Printers:

  • Work quietly.
  • Fast printing speed.
  • Low toner cost.
  • Can print both texts and images.
  • Produce liquid-resistant prints.
  • Able to change dot size to change resolution.
  • Very user-friendly.

Disadvantages of Laser Printers:

  • High initial cost.
  • Need specifically designed laser papers.
  • High power consumption.
  • Not suitable for high and complex graphic materials. 

What are Laser Printers used for?

Well, considering all the goods, Laser printers are convenient for many offices and businesses. These printers are generally best for printing texts and lots of them. Furthermore, they are very suitable for places that need a fast and quiet printing process.

Although the Laser printers have a high price range, the toner cost is lower than many other printers. Moreover, they are also widely used for liquid-resistant outputs.

Digital Color Printer vs Laser Printer:

It is needless to say that these two printers have quite a lot of differences in other factors too as they are based on different technologies. For instance, they differ in factors like reliability, cost, graphic and image quality, printing speed, mechanical components, size, power consumption, and overall performance. So, let’s get into the topic.

What is the difference between a Laser Printer and Digital Color LED Printer? 

Therefore, I believe a comparison table might be the right way to paint a better picture in this case. So, let’s give it a roll:

Comparison FactorsLaser PrintersDigital Color LED Printer
  TechnologyUse Laser beams to create outputs.Use an array of LEDs or light-emitting diodes to create outputs.
  ReliabilityLess reliable than LED printers.Comparatively more reliable and durable.
  CostHigh initial cost.Less costly than Laser printers. 
  Graphic and Image  QualityHigher image and graphic quality than LED printers.Comparatively lower image and graphic quality than Laser printers.
  Printing SpeedComparatively slower than LED printers.Slightly faster printing speed compared to Laser printers.
  Mechanical ComponentsContains moving mechanical components.Doesn’t have any moving components.
  SizeComparatively bigger than LED printers.Smaller than Laser printers.
  Power ConsumptionHigher in power consumption compared to LED printers.Quite lower in power consumption compared to Laser printers.
  Operating CostHigher operating costs than LED printers.Comparatively lower operating cost than Laser printers.


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions by consumers that might be helpful to you:

Is Digital Color Printer or Laser Printer Better?

Well, it depends on your needs and preference. Laser printers contain a single beam that illuminates every dot in the same manner. They also can make smaller dots than LED printers, which gives them the edge in terms of resolutions. Moreover, LED printers have a very common problem of individual LEDs falling out of alignment. In this case, Laser printers contain a single moving light source that eliminates such problems.

On the other hand, LED printers have a much simpler functioning mechanism than Laser printers and also don’t have any moving components. Due to this reason, they are not only less expensive than Laser printers but they also are more reliable. Again, they are mostly smaller and require less power compared to Laser printers. Moreover, they are slightly faster than Laser printers because of the simplicity of their functioning mechanism.

Do Digital Color Printers use Ink?

The short answer is no, they don’t. Instead of ink, they use toner powder, a powder mixture made of finely ground plastic and other ingredients to print outputs. In this case, LED printers melt the toner powder with heating components and then transfer them onto a piece of paper.

This process outdated the ink-based printing processes. So, more and more consumers are leaning towards printing devices that are based on them. 


I’d say it is always a wise decision to study a product before purchasing one. As both Digital Color Printer and Laser printers have their set of pros and cons, the question of convenience depends on you and your needs. But as we have now explored the topic of digital color LED vs Laser printer, I’d love to think it was helpful to you.

That’s it for today. Have a great and productive day!