How Do You Get Printer Ink Out Of Clothes | The Most Effective Proven Methods To Follow

It is possible that ink may fall on your clothes and hands while you are printing something with your printer or while replacing the old cartridges with new ones. But it’s not always easy to get printer ink out of clothes.

If you don’t know how to handle and how do you get the printer ink out of clothes, get relaxed. This article will tell you all the simple, flexible ways to get printer ink. Without damaging your cloth, they can help you in removing printer ink.

How do you get printer ink out of clothes ?

There are two different kinds of situations here to deal in removing printer ink out of clothes. One is fresh ink that sticks to the clothes and the second is dried-out ink in the clothes. It is harder to remove the dried ink from the clothes than the fresh ink. 

The method to follow is different from fresh ink to dried ink. It is always advisable to get the printer ink out of the clothes as soon as possible rather than leaving it for some time and letting it dry.

Method To Remove The Fresh Printer Ink Out Of Clothes

  1. Take a cleaned white cloth or sponge or smooth cloth. Make sure it should not contain any dirt or marks on it.
  2. As the ink is fresh, press the cloth that’s affected with a clean cloth or sponge gently. Do not rub it, do not press hard because the ink may spread more on the cloth. 
  3. Continue pressing it for some time until you can’t bring out any ink from the cloth.
  4. Now let the cloth that’s affected with printer ink dry for some time.
  5. Make use of a hair spray or alcohol to spray on the affected cloth. 
  6. The stained cloth will become wet a bit and flexible to remove the remaining ink from the cloth easily. Now take two fresh and neat paper towels.
  7. Adjust the stained cloth between the towels in a perfect fit. You need to press one after another and collect the printer ink from clothes.
  8. Now after perfect adjustment, press one side of the paper towel and ensure the other paper towel should absorb the ink.
  9. Move the paper towel gently to let a paper towel absorb the ink that’s transferred due to pressure on another paper towel.
  10. Keep pressing and moving the paper towel until there is no more ink left on the cloth. You can also change the paper towel if required in between. Using the same paper towel cannot take the printer ink out from the cloth properly. So it’s advisable to shift to a new one after the old paper towel is filled with ink.
  11. This process can remove the printer ink from the clothes almost except for small marks. After completion of this whole process, wash it with a detergent and water to remove the remaining marks and dirt. Now the printer ink from the clothes is completely removed.
Removing printer ink with alcohol - How Do You Get Printer Ink Out Of Clothes | The Most Effective Proven Methods To Follow

While the printer ink spilled on your clothes, it’s important to clean up the spilled printer ink carefully. Here is a great article for you on How to clean up spilled printer ink. 

Method To Remove Dried Printer Ink From The Clothes

  1. The first thing you need to do is to soften the dried ink to remove it. For that, you need to take some liquid detergent and apply the affected area completely.
  2. Wait for a moment to let the cloth and the dried printer ink absorb the liquid and loosen the molecules of the printer ink.
  3. The printer ink is a bit movable now after applying the liquid detergent and now you can start rubbing it with a toothbrush or washing brush according to the cloth material and stain size.
  4. You can find the printer ink removing out of the clothes while you are rubbing with your brush.
  5. But if you still find difficulties and find it hard to remove, prepare a solution of bleach and water and dip the brush before rubbing. This could act effectively on the cloth and make it easier to let the printer ink out of the clothes.
  6. Once you are done with the rubbing process, immediately wash it with detergent and water as early as possible. Be careful not to let it dry after rubbing because there are high chances that the printer ink may stick to the cloth again.
  7. After washing, let it dry in the sunlight for a long time. 
  8. Sometimes the printer ink will stick to the cloth so hard and it is not easy to get out of the clothes. In that case, you just need to repeat the same process multiple times until the printer ink and stains get out of the cloth completely.
Removing printer ink from clothes - How Do You Get Printer Ink Out Of Clothes

These are the two methods on how do you get printer ink out of clothes. Also, It’s always advisable to keep the printer ink fresh. To help you out in keeping printer ink fresh, we have an article for you on How to keep printer ink fresh.

How to remove printer ink from hands?

It’s extremely common to notice printer ink on your hands while changing the printer ink cartridges. There are several ways that you can try to remove the printer ink from your hands quickly. 

Isopropyl Alcohol

Applying alcohol to your hands and rubbing it properly all over the stains will work effectively. You have to wash your hands after rubbing because the alcohol content may damage your skin.

Tea tree oil or baby oil

Try tea tree or baby oil by applying them to cloth. Rub the cloth on your hands several times. This may not work immediately but keep rubbing for better results.

Cleaner or bleach:

Apply cleaner or bleach to a cloth and try rubbing your hands. Continue rubbing for a while because it takes some time to remove printer ink.

You can try many other things to remove printer ink from your hands like nail polish removers, hair sprays, etc to remove printer ink. You can also refer to this article for more information on How to remove printer ink from hands.

Can you wash the clothes directly to remove printer ink?

No, you are not advisable to wash the clothes directly to remove printer ink. If the ink is still fresh, during washing it may spread to the remaining areas. If the ink is dried out, washing directly can’t help you in removing printer ink directly.

You need to apply some removing agents and follow the procedure for better results. 

What are the ink stain removers that can be used to remove printer ink?

There are many things that you can dry in methods to remove printer ink stains. You can try using rubbing alcohol, vinegar, baking soda, stain removers, cleansers, hair sprays, etc.

Cleaning elements to remove printer ink-The Most Effective Proven Methods To Follow - How Do You Get Printer Ink Out Of Clothes |


These are the two methods on how do you get printer ink out of clothes. Try method one if your printer ink is still fresh and if your printer ink dried out, go for method two.

Also, it’s a serious problem that printer ink may dry out sometimes. If you are looking for methods to keep printer ink from drying out, here we are with you an article again How to keep printer ink from drying out. 

These are the proven methods you can try on your own at home and will give you efficient results. Hope we have provided you easy methods to follow.