How Do You Print On A Cd – Everything You Need To Know In 2023

All of us are familiar with CDs. A huge time in our childhood or teenage years has passed with CDs or DVDs. But have you ever wondered how cd labels are made? Didn’t the idea of making your cd label cross over your mind? 

If that’s the case then good news. Because you can print on CDs yourself. Now the question comes is How? 

Well, we are here to help you with your query on How Do You Print On A Cd In 2023. In this article, we are going to share every possible way to print CDs perfectly and everything related to it. 

So, Let’s get started with the procedure. 

How To Print Images On Cds

Before starting with the procedure of how to print images on CDs, you must know with which printer you can make the labels-

Inkjet Cd Printer

For cd labeling, there are some particular label printers. Usually, inkjet printers are used in this type of work. 

Cd label printers special printers that can print on printable CDs/DVDs. They are advertised as cd printers. They have a specialized feed mechanism for discs that generally use inkjet technology. So, if you are going to print cd labels, use an inkjet CD label printer instead of a normal printer. 

Now let’s start the procedure!

How To Print Designs  On Cds

Printing photos or labels on CDs or DVDs are not that tough. If you follow the below steps properly 

How Do You Print On A Cd - Everything You Need To Know

Step-1: Take The Perfect Cd

For printing on CD, at first, you have to choose the perfect CD for your printing. Now you may have a question, what is a perfect cd? 

Well, for cd label printing, it is better to use inkjet printable CDs. An inkjet printable CD is usually made with ink permeable coating having a non-recording surface. This surface will allow you to perform printing works on them by using an inkjet printer.  

But there is another way. You can use your old CDs by attaching them with adhesive sticky label papers. Both will deliver you the same quality of work. 

Step-2: Select Your Photo And Edit 

Now follow these steps carefully-

  • Go to the folder where your photos are saved and select the desired photos.
  • After selecting photos, click on the select frame and then cd/DVD.
  • After you choose the frame, click edit and print.
  • You will get to see the photo list, from there choose the photo. Well, if you click Add photos, you will get the chance to replace the frame with photos that are not on the list.

Done with choosing the photo?

Now you have to adjust your photo on the cd frame. For this-

Click on the photo frame and drag the photo to adjust. You can also adjust by using enlarge, rotate and reduce photos options that are at the top of the page

  • Now set the inner and outer diameter to adjust the printable surface by clicking inner/outer. Then click ok. 
  • After that in the same way, fix color, adjust, adjust brightness, and other necessary things. 
  • Do you want to add more additional things? Then look at the left corner of your screen. You will find four options one after another. To add any more photos click on the first icon. Then if you want to add any stamp, go for the second. Want to add texts? Click on A. 

Now it’s time for printing.

Step-3: Print Your Work 

After resizing, and editing your photos, you have to print them. For this –

  • Make all print settings done.
  • Select the number of copies and then click start printing. 
  • Look for the user’s guide that is supplied with the printer to load discs inside the printer. 

Now wait for  your result 

Some General Guidelines

  • Before inserting the disc into the tray, make sure there is no dust on it
  • Try to use a small adaptor when you are printing on an 8cm disc.
  • Make sure your disc and adaptor lie flat with the disc tray.
  • Insert one disc at a time
  • Use the particular disc tray provided with the printer
  • Make sure you have dried the surface of the disc for 24 hours before touching
  • Do not turn off the printer when the CD is loaded in 

Follow the above-mentioned guidelines, and soon you will get your printed label perfectly. 

Before giving our final verdict, let us look at some common questions related to the topic


Can You Print A Cd In A Normal Printer?

A device that prints labels on CD-R discs, is called a CD printer.  You should use inkjet printers to print on a cd. It is better not to use thermal or any regular printer for this purpose. 

How Do I Print Blu-Ray Labels?

To print blu ray labels on CDs-

  • You can use smart print lab cd DVD label maker software
  • Run the software and choose a template with full face labels having bleeds
  • Choose your required background image
  • Load the image and delete unnecessary texts
  • Select the print button
  • Nw print your picture on the blu ray
  • After that attach it on cd

Congratulations! Your blu ray label is ready

Are Paper Cd Labels Safe?

Well, paper cd labels become unsafe because of the paper and their adhesives, especially when a user tries to remove them from the cd. As there is a high possibility of pulling off some of the disc-protecting metals, coating materials with the labels. 

Final Verdict

We have tried to inform you every little detail about How Do You Print On A Cd In 2023.  

We hope you have found it useful. At first, you may find the process a little bit tricky. But after some practice, the whole process will become a piece of cake for you. 

However, one last suggestion: be sure your printer can print on CDs. After you are done with printing on CDs, turn off the power button. Because electricity is one of our core materials and we have to save it. 

That’s all for today. Thanks for staying with Printer Insight till here. Have a very nice day!