How Much Does A Screen Printer Cost? – Everything you need To Know

Thinking of starting a printing business? 

Well, The first thing you would be needing is a screen-printer. Because with the help of a screen printer you can print from T-shirts to posters. But How Much Does A Screen Printer Cost? 

The price depends on the model, type, accessories, and your printing needs. 

However, don’t worry. Because this article is going to provide an in-depth idea of How Much Does A Screen Printer Cost, the accessories you will be needing, and which type you should buy.  

How Much Does A Screen Printer Cost In 2023

Screen Printing is a tremendously competitive Industry. Before going to the price range of screen printing machines, we will share some information about screen printing and others. 

Screen printing is a wonderful way to do some jobs of printing design on clothes and garments. You can also print it on plain paper, arts, cards, and other print media. 

Now let’s come to the topic of price. In the past, people were not able to buy screen printers for use at home. But nowadays with the advancement of technology, it is possible now. Again, many extra accessories are needed. These will make your work easier, more enjoyable, and more flexible.

Price Range Of Screen Printing Machine:

There are two types of printers used in screen printing. They are

Digital printers are costlier than manual printers. Many people prefer manual printers for designing as modifications can be done. On The other hand, printing businesses or regular printing providers want to complete printing designs in a short time. For this, digital printers are preferred nowadays.  

However, now we will define the price range in three parts. One is for Manual screen printers, another is for Digital Screen printers. The last part is the necessary tools needed for printing. 

  1. Manual Screen Printer

Manual screen printers are great to use. However, for using them you will require professional printing knowledge which can be acquired with the help of online courses and books. 

Virtually everyone starts their printing designs with manual printers. Even professionals like to use manual printers, as modifications can be done. Moreover, with them, you can even print 100 shirts per hour. So, what is the price of a Manual screen printing machine?

Well, without accessories you will get these printers in the range of $1500-$10000. But you have to pay for supplements. According to your design, the number of tools you should buy. Nowadays, some companies provide a manual screen printing machine starter kit. You can get these printers with a starter kit in the range of $10000-$40000.

  1. Digital Screen Printer

Automatic or digital screen printers are the greatest ways to finish your job easily and fastly. 

With the help of digital printers, you can print more shirts at a time than manuals. You can even print 450 shirts per hour with this printer. For this many products, printing providers are switching to digital printers from manuals. So, what is the price of digital screen printers?

In the past, people had to pay around 30000-80000 dollars to purchase a digital printing machine. But nowadays, the price has dropped to 15000-40000 dollars. Not only that, digital screen printers have minimised the need for some tools and chemical products. Such as emulsion, chemicals, water, and so on. 

But you need to have some tools, such as a screen, ink, etc. 

  1. Necessary Tools 

If you are a professional screen printer, then you know you need different types of accessories to perform the task of printing. Now let us see what type of tools you need to buy and pay for-

  • Screen of different types and sizes. It will depend on your design and color of printing
  • Plastic containers 
  • Ink mixing stick and cleaning card
  • Career and transferable sheets
  • Pens. Such as- Lithopauqe, Blockout pen
  • Hand gloves, spatula,  tape, pallet
  • Scoop coaters and so on.

These are some important tools needed for the screen printing process. 

Alongside this, you may also need some tools which depend on your design. So it can be said, the number of tools, methods of printing, and design are totally dependent on your task. 

Currently, a screen printing toolbox is also available. It costs from $3000 to $7000. Check the toolboxes and the tools that are included there. Know your requirements and purchase one if it meets your demand. 

However, there is an issue. If you are buying a screen printer out of a  hobby then I must alert you that they can be a white elephant. 

Again if you want to start a business or extend your printing business then buying a screen printer can be the right investment. Because even if you don’t use it, you can always lease your screen printing machine to small businesses. 

Lastly, do extensive research and take your time before purchasing a screen-printer. Otherwise, you might end up with the wrong machine for life. 

Final Words

We hope this article on  How Much Does A Screen Printer Cost will be a great help for you. 

Let us know if you have any questions. 

That’s it for today. Thanks for staying with printer insight.Have a great day!