How To Clean Drum On Hp Printer In 2023

It can be quite frustrating when your Hp Printer prints blurry and unreadable copies. Even as a printer technician it happens to me too. 

So, don’t worry it’s quite normal and the solution is pretty easy too. You can solve this problem simply by cleaning the drum of your printer. 

Now comes the real question. How To Clean Drum On Hp Printer?

Well, We are here to guide you on how to clean drum on hp printer fully with a few simple steps. 

How To Clean Toner Drum of HP printer 

Cleaning the toner drum of your HP printer is not hard work to do. But while doing the task, you have to be very careful.  Here we have described the process in a very easy way so that you can understand every part with ease. Then let’s get started with the procedure-

Gather  All Of The  Special Cleaning Tools

The first step of doing any work is to gather all the tools that are required for doing the work properly. In the case of cleaning an HP printer’s toner drum, you must have some specialised tools.  These tools will help you to remove all dust properly. We here have shown some of the tools-

Disposal Cloth

We suggest you use an activated toner cloth. It has a non-oily coating which will easily trap the dust. 

Rubbing Alcohol

It is also known as isopropyl alcohol. Rubbing alcohol is one of the best cleaning materials for mechanical equipment. It is because it evaporates fast without leaving any fluid. So you can use this to make sure all the dust is being cleared. For the places where it is difficult to reach, use an aerosol spray duster to remove all toner particles from there. 

Safety Gloves

Safety gloves(Latex gloves, rubber gloves) are for your safety. Sometimes toner may create irritation on your skin. So you can wear gloves to prevent that. 


Though toner is not dangerous if inhaled, it creates irritation sometimes. So before cleaning the toner drum, ensure your room is properly ventilated and wear a dust mask just for your safety. 

Toner Vacuum

Toner vacuum is powerful equipment but expensive also. It can be used to remove toner particles from the inside. But as it is so expensive, we are marking this as optional.  

Have you gathered all the equipment? Now let’s get started with cleaning! 

7 Easy Steps For Cleaning Hp Printer Drum

HP Toner Drum How To Clean Drum On Hp Printer

Let us tell you one thing before starting, if you feel uncomfortable with cleaning, then you can contact a technician or ask someone who has experience with it. 

Switch Off Your Printer And Let It Cool Down 

To clean your printer drum, you have to open up your printer and start working. But hold on a second!

If you don’t want to get an electric shock, then you have to switch off the printer. Well, nobody will want to experience that. Whatever then you have to wait till the printer cools down. Laser printers get extremely hot while working, so it is better to wait till they cooled. 

Remove The Toner Cartridge And Clean It

After the printer is cooled down, open the front or back panel of the printer and remove the cartridges. You can follow the manual to know the removal process. Here you can use 2 sets of toner cloth. One for cleaning and the other for placing the cloth under toner cartridges. Before setting, clean the excess toner from one side. 

Remove The Drum From The Printer

After removing the cartridges, examine how you can remove the drum. You should follow the manual of your printer to remove it. But generally, it can be removed by lifting or twisting. In some printers, you have to remove printer rollers before drums. So, checking the manual is important. 

Remove The Roller Printer

To remove the printer roller, you have to take a flat screwdriver. Then insert it into the first print roller and the locking system. Pull back the screwdriver and repeat it for the other clip. Then remove the roller. Follow the same procedure for other rollers. 

Clean The Excess Toners From The Drum

Now lift the drums from your printer. As we have mentioned, use square toner cloth. Remove all the excess toners from inside the machine and all other internal surfaces. 

Toner is more likely built around corners and sometimes it is difficult to reach those places. While cleaning, you must be gentle, because there are some fragile parts and they are costly to replace if damaged. 

Swab Drum Surfaces With Alcohol

To clean wires or cables, use isopropyl or rubbing alcohol. This great chemical will clean your printer drum from the inside without leaving any type of dust. Try to be gentle while cleaning as much as possible. 

Resemble The Parts

Are you happy with the removal of toner?

If you are, then resemble all the parts following the manual. Wait for 30 minutes to settle down the toners properly. Don’t put off the mask until you leave the room. It is better to run some test prints to ensure the printer is running properly. 

Well, you are done with cleaning! 

Check out our guidelines on cleaning laser printers if you want to clean your printer fully. 

N.B-There are many parts in your printer which you should not touch with your fingers and clean as gently as possible. So be careful handling them. 

That’s how you can clean your hp printer drum. Before we give our final verdict, let us look at some frequent questions that are related to this article. 


Can You Empty Drum Cartridges?

Yes, you can empty drum cartridges. For this, you have to-

  • Hold your drum cartridges over a garbage can at first
  • You have to hold open the black tube. You will find the tube extending from the green plastic plate
  • To loosen the gear, turn the gear while to left
  • Now empty the toner from the drum and 
  • Lastly, replace the drum cartridges in the machine. 

How Do I Know My Printer Drum Needs To Be Replaced?

If you find your printer producing blurry, low-quality printing, then you have to take measures to replace your printer drum. Also if you see black or colored spots on printings or horizontal lines passing across the printouts, these indicate you have to replace your toner drum. 

How Long Do Printer Drums Last?

Printer drums usually last for about 10,000-50,000 pages. It also depends on your printer quality. But unlike other mechanical things, printer drums also deteriorate over time. But when your printer drum starts to deteriorate, you will get warnings. So, it is better to replace it before it stops working. 

How Will I Clean My Hp Roller Printer?

To clean your HP roller printer, you have to –

  • Unplug the main power source from the printer at first. Then you have to remove the printer roller
  • Now dip a cloth in isopropyl alcohol or water. The cloth must be lint-free. After that, scrub the roller with that cloth
  • After scrubbing, take another dry lint-free cloth and wipe the roller. In this way, you can clean the loosened dust from the roller. 
  1. Do Inkjet Printers Have Drums? 

Well, all types of printers have drums including inkjet and laser printers. But inkjet printers do not have toners. 

Final Words

Have you got your answer? Did you find the procedures tough to understand? We hope not. We tried our best to share all necessary information with you as easily as possible. 

However, we tried to explain the procedure readily in this article on how to clean drum on HP printer. We hope this will be helpful for you to take measures to clean and take care of your printer in a way better than before. Printers are one of the most important devices in our daily use. So better care is necessary to run these devices perfectly. 

That’s all for today. Have a good day!