How To Clean Laser Printer Streaks: Things You Need & Instruction

A laser printer can show many signs of malfunction. Getting streaks on your prints is one of them. 

However, cleaning your printer is not as difficult as it sounds if you have the right tools and the proper knowledge. 

In this blog, we will discuss everything you need to know about how to clean laser printer streaks. 

Things You Need 

Before starting with your cleaning, keep in mind, your laser printer is fragile. You have to handle them with soft hands and care. It will be beneficial for you if you keep everything in hand reach before initiating the process. These are the things you will need to clean your laser printer. 

  1. Clean Cloth

A clean piece of cotton or any soft fabric is suitable for cleaning the dust off the printer surface. Make sure you are not using a cloth with any oily coating or something which does not pick off dirt easily. Keep two separate clothes, one to damp and one for dry cleaning. 

  1. Distilled or Clean Water

Distilled water is used to dampen the cloth. You can also use clean water. Moisten the fabric until it is damp and not wet, then wipe the internal surfaces with caution as some printer components are fragile and can get costly to replace if damaged.  

  1. Isopropyl Alcohol

The laser printer uses powdered toner to print. If you have a defective toner cartridge, it could leak toner inside the printer and result in streaks in prints. Isopropyl alcohol will help you clean the dirt and gunk effectively, even from the problematic corners, without leaving anything behind. 

Note that the electronic contacts of the printer are best to clean with isopropyl alcohol. Alcohol evaporates fast and is excellent for dissolving grease and oil. 

  1. Paint Brush

There are places where the cloth can not reach. For those places, use a clean paintbrush to clean. 

  1. Clean Swab

Use a clean cotton swab to clean the corona wire. It will help to remove any built-up and dust inside. 

  1. Dust Mask (optional)

As mentioned earlier, a laser printer uses powdered toner for printing, and the powder can fly off while cleaning. It is possible for you to inhale the dust. Although not dangerous, it can create discomfort and irritation. 

  1. Toner Vacuum (optional) 

You can use a toner vacuum instead of a cloth to remove the dirt. The toner vacuum cleans your printer efficiently and cleans dirt gently. However, the toner vacuums are expensive. Hence we have given you other options. 

How Do You Clean Streaks On A Laser Printer-Step-By-Step Instruction

Now that you know what tools you need to keep in hand to clean your laser printer. Let’s see how to clean laser printer streaks. Follow these steps for effective cleaning without damaging any parts of your laser printer. 

Step 1

Turn off your printer and unplug it from the mainline. If the machine was in use, let it rest for a while until it cools down completely. 

Step 2

Remove the toner cartridge and drum unit. The drum unit can be in-built or can also be a separate unit depending on your printer type. Make sure to keep the drum in the dark place. Exposure to light may damage the drum. 

Step 3

Remove the transfer belt and waste toner box. Note that you should not touch the drum and the transfer belt with bare hands. 

Step 4

With a damp clean cloth or a toner vacuum, clean the inside of the machine if the internal surface has any spilled toner and dust, clean that thoroughly. Do not avoid the cartridge housing, as most of the spilled toner remains under them. 

Step 5

Rub the corona wire with a swab and isopropyl alcohol to remove dust. Do not leave the paper pick-up roller. Clean it as well. It will help previous paper jam. 

Step 6 

Clean the transfer roller with a dry cloth. The transfer roller is the foam roller near the drum. Along with that, clean the glass of the scanner unit with a cotton cloth and isopropyl alcohol. The glass of the laser scanner must also be cleaned in this process. 

Step 7

Remove the paper tray and clean the dust built-up and pollutants. 

Step 8

Last but not least, vacuum the fan vent with a regular vacuum cleaner or toner vacuum. 

Some Point To Remember

  • Do not use a regular vacuum to clean your laser printer. An average vacuum can not clean toner dust effectively. 
  • You can only use an ordinary vacuum to clean the fan vent. 
  • Do not use compressed or canned air. They can spray moisture which can result in an even dirtier surface and create more problems. 
  • Do not use flammable substances or any bottled/compressed spray. 

Final Word

After you have followed the steps mentioned above, test your printer if the streaks still persist. If you have cleaned the printer correctly, the issue should be resolved. We hope our guideline on how to clean laser printer streaks was helpful to you.  You will be more comfortable after a few attempts. It will always give you the comfort of knowing that you can fix your printer issues and it can operate in maximum proficiency.

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