How To Install A Printer Driver On A Computer In 2023

If you have bought a new printer then installing printer drivers is a must-needed job for you. But how to do it?

Well, we have prepared a well-researched guideline for you about how to install a printer driver on a computer. 

So, let’s start together with the guideline.

How To Install A Printer Driver

It is not very difficult to install a printer driver on your device. But most of the users face issues identifying their problems with the driver or printer. 

So, before we start our printer installation guideline, there is a quick tour of the printer drivers work process. This will help you to better understand your printer. As well as, all the problems with the printer driver will be easy peachy to solve for you.

1. What Is A Printer Driver On A Computer?

A printer driver is like a file or bunch of files. These files are the connector between the operating system of your computer and printer. The drivers carry information about how the printer should function regarding the input in the computer.

2. Why Does A Printer Require Printer Drivers?

The computer is unable to directly control or lead the function of the printer. It requires some soft files to communicate with the printer, known as printer drivers. So, your computer will not be able to start printing, until you are installing a printer driver on your computer.

Now, let us see how to install new printer driver on a computer.

How Do I Manually Install A Printer Driver?

Generally, printer drivers are provided with the printer while bringing from the store in a disc or CD. The basic information and instructions are given on the CD. But the whole installation procedure is a bit trickier, especially for the first-timers.

But no worries! We have prepared our guidelines to release your pressure. There are a few variations in the installation procedure from brand to brand. But the basic things are almost the same for all. So, you can easily start with your printer by following our guidelines.

Well, the procedure is very simple to follow.

  • Start with the Disc or CD: your first job is to insert the disc provided by the manufacturers. ( if you have lost your disc or CD, follow the backup procedure given in the next)
  • Install printer drivers: there are applications stored in the CD. Run the application naming as  “setup”. That’s it. Now all the required files will be installed for a printer driver.
  • Connect with the computer: Your printer is ready for work. Now connect it to your computer. There are both wireless and wired printers available in the market. 

If your one is wireless, connect it with your computer via Bluetooth or wifi, according to the built-in features. In the case of wired printers, connect your pc using the USB cable.

  • Power on your PC
  • Find the new folder named “Printer” 
  • Print a test page.

You can check our article on how to connect your wireless printer with Mac or PC 

Now, let’s know what to do if you do not have the disc for printer driver installation.

How do you install a printer driver without the CD?

It is not a rare case that the CDs provided by manufacturers are lost or destroyed. It may also malfunction, or be outdated. In that case, you can in install a printer driver by the following procedure:

  1. Go to the printer manufacturer’s Website.
Download Page for printer Driver - How To Install A Printer Driver On A Computer
  1.  Find out the printer driver file by searching by the model of your device.
Printer Website - How To Install A Printer Driver On A Computer
  1. Download it.
  2. Install the downloaded file.
Installing a printer driver  - How To Install A Printer Driver On A Computer
  1. There will be simple instructions coming one by one. Follow them. This is the basic installation procedure.
  2. After completing the procedure, turn on your computer.
  3. Connect your computer with your printer. 

And thus you can easily install the printer driver without having any disc or CD.

How to install a printer driver windows 10

The installation procedure is not the same in windows 10 as in others. Generally, the installation is an automatic process in windows 10. But in some cases, the automated system is seen not to work. So, how to install a new printer driver in windows 10 in such cases?

Well, Windows Update Catalog is your weapon to install the printer driver in windows 10.

Procedure to download the printer driver from windows update catalog

  1. Go to Windows Update Catalog 
  2. Find out the driver file for your printer by searching by printer model
  3. Download the printer driver file
  4. Open it
  5. Follow the instructions and install the printer driver consequently
  6. Connect your printer with your computer

How to install printer driver Windows 7

Like windows 10, windows 7 also offers two basic ways of installing printer drivers.

Procedure 1: Install the printer driver using CD or disc or DVD provided by manufacturers

It is the most convenient way to install a printer driver on any computer. You just need to insert the CD and follow the instructions. There is no matter of hustle in this method.

Procedure 2: Install the printer driver from the manufacturers’ website

If you have lost your DVD or CD, you have to go to the official website of the printer brand. There is a free accessible printer driver file awaiting for users. You just have to install and open it with two clicks. The further procedure will come to you one by one. Follow them and get ready for printing works!


What does a driver do in a printer?

A printer driver is one type of software application that allows the interaction between your computer and the printer. A driver is very important as it gives instructions to the printer about what to print as well as how to print.

The driver plays an intermediate role by converting the data given from the computer into a printable format. However, it is necessary to check whether the printer driver you will use is compatible with your operator or not.

Why is my printer driver not working?  

One of the common problems with a printer driver is that it has stopped working. Well, it is quite a disappointing problem. There is a list of reasons behind that. A printer driver needs to be updated regularly otherwise it will stop working immediately. 

If your driver is infected by malware or corrupted somehow, then that’s a reason. The incompatibility of a printer driver with the current version of the windows is one possible reason. Incorrect configuration can also make your printer stop working.

Why is my printer driver not installed?    

While installing a printer driver, at times the installation is not completed, unfortunately. This is a common error that appears due to some possible reasons. There may be some connection issue or your device may carry a defective hard disk, which would not let your printer driver install and work. If you create some system folders which already exist in the system directory, then also problems can arise and hinder the driver installation program. 

Final verdict

This is how to install new printer driver on your computer. The procedures and guidelines are well researched and tested multiple times. 

So, are you clear about how to fix your printer driver? The comment section is open for any sort of further query. 

Hope this article will help you and save your time. Have a nice day!