How To Make Label Stickers At Home In 2023 | A Step By Step Guide

Are you getting tired of googling the most dependable way of making label stickers at home? 

Don’t worry. You are not alone in this case. Lots of users seriously want to customize their label stickers at home in a cost-effective and durable process. But How To Make Label Stickers At Home? 

In this article, we are going to focus on an in-depth guideline for making printable label stickers at home, not for fun, but for commercial purposes. Besides, you will get some reliable tips according to our hands-on experience in this event. 

So what are you waiting for?

Let’s make a move. 

What Is Label Sticker?

A label sticker is a graphical presentation of a specific cause or self-expression or a company where you get sufficient information as well. But primarily labels and stickers are not the same. 

Labels mainly focus on information that identifies a product. In contrast to this, stickers graphically represent a product. 

You can find different types of label stickers that serve both purposes. Such as RFID label stickers, thermal label stickers, etc. 

Label Sticker Printer For Barcode Printing - How To Make Label Stickers At Home

These items are sticky in nature with a paper that protects the sticky adhesives. Usually, label stickers are made of durable materials like film, vinyl, etc. You can use both permanent or temporary adhesives for a label sticker, as per your requirement. 

The printing process of label stickers varies due to the operating systems, printer types, paper materials, and so on. That’s why the procedure of making label stickers at home can change to a certain degree. 

So, you should have a deep understanding of different aspects of How To Make Label Stickers At Home. 

Now, it’s time to vest yourself in the step-by-step guide to making label stickers by yourself. 

How to make a label Sticker- Step By Step Guide

Choose The Sticker material

This is a vital step in making label stickers at home. It depends mainly on the use of label stickers. 

The basic types of printable sticker paper include as follows-

  • Glossy Paper
  • Matte Paper
  • Vinyl Paper
  • Holographic Paper

Usually, paper labels and film labels are the most widely used materials for the production of homemade label stickers. But you need to trade-off between cost and durability while comparing these two options. 

Getting puzzled? 

Don’t be so. Paper materials are efficient in terms of their cost performance. But you can’t get sufficient water resistance and longevity from paper labels. 

On the contrary, film labels are a little bit expensive. Hence, they offer high-class tolerance against dust and water. 

Besides, film labels ensure a large-scale variation of face stock finishes which are not available in the case of paper label stickers. 

Papers For Making Label Stickers At Home - How To Make Label Stickers At Home

Except for these, you can think of Glossy, vinyl, holographic, and Matte label stickers for particular situations. Do you know their uses?

Matte label stickers offer sharpness in texts and images. So, you can improve the readability of stickers from distant places. 

If you intend to imply versatile designs in your label stickers, Glossy label stickers are the best choice. 

Vinyl label stickers are reputable for high thickness and standard quality. Because of their impressive tolerance against environmental hazards, people prefer Vinyl stickers for promotional label stickers, decals, laptops, etc. 

Again, holographic label stickers are a comparatively newer addition to this world. If you think of a printable homemade label sticker design with pure black or single colour, holographic stickers provide the best output. But, they aren’t highly compatible with colourful designs.  

So, the decision is up to you. You should also consider adhesive types while choosing the materials for making label stickers at home. 

Choose Sticker Configuration

Do you want to use default configurations for label stickers? 

You have opportunities of using stickers of round, oval, rectangular, square, etc sizes. 

Besides, you can put your innovative ideas in label sticker configuration. You can customise shapes and sizes as per your choice by using cutting equipment. 

Select Sticker Template

There are lots of options to download suitable templates for designing label stickers by yourself. You can depend on MS Word, Adobe Photoshop, etc to get a wide variety of template formats. 

Just download one and show your creativity. 

Design Your Sticker

It’s one of the most critical parts of the entire process. Do you know why?

This is clear that you have to create a good impression on the viewers through your label stickers. So, you must make your stickers attractive to the highest degree. This is mostly based on how you design the label stickers. 

We are here with some recommendations for you to design a polished and lucrative label sticker. 

  • Use popping colours
  • Keep the content straight and simple. Don’t include unnecessary information. 
  • Ensure minimum use of fonts
  • Keep the fonts readable from remote places
  • Use graphics having a high resolution 
  • Try to keep a call-to-action option

When you end up editing, you need to download the file and print it. Concerning the connectivity, you can print the homemade label stickers from macOS, MS Word, mobiles, etc. Let’s find out how you can safely print these stickers. 

How To Create And Print Label Stickers On macOS

  1. First, Go to “Mailings > Labels”.
  2. Then click on “Options”.
  3. Select the Printer type, Label products, and Product number.
    You can customise these features if needed. 
  4. Select “OK”.
  5. Type an address or other information in the Delivery Address box.
    There is an opportunity to use an address from your contacts list. If you want to do so, select “Insert Address”.  
  6. To change the formatting, select the text.  
  7. Select “Font”. It is required to make changes.
  8. Select Full page of the same label.
  9. Select “OK”.

How To Print Stickers In Word?

  • Go to “Mailings > Labels”.
  • Then type the text In the Address box as per your wish. 
  • To use an address from your contacts list select “Insert Address Button image”.
  • To change the formatting, select the text, right-click, and make changes with Home > Font or Paragraph.
  • In the Label Options dialog box, make your choices
  • Select “OK”.
  • Select Full page of the same label.
  • Select Print, or New Document to edit, save and print later.

How To Print Label Stickers On Mobile

Some printers offer cloud printing facilities for label sticker printing. That means you can take a picture through your smartphone and edit it. Then a suitable printer can print it by maintaining size, paper dimensions, etc. 

HP Sprocket printers offer some portable models which are perfect for this reason. 

Best Printer For Stickers

Among a lot of varieties, it is difficult to choose the best printer for printing label stickers at home. But we have picked the two most eligible printers that meet up all of your demands while creating printable label stickers. 

HP Sprocket Plus Photo Printer - How To Make Label Stickers At Home

Check on Amazon for more information about these printers. 

Factors That Impact Label Sticker Making At home 

When label sticker makers think of how to make label stickers at home, they get anxious about optimising the effort. But the success of label sticker making depends on several factors. Are you aware of them?

Let’s have a look at the most crucial points that can give assurance of hassle-free making. 

File Format

When you intend to print your homemade label stickers, you must ensure that the file format is compatible with the printer. If you find that your printer cannot recognise the label sticker file, you can’t print it or edit it. 

That’s why you have to check the file extension properly and change it concerning your graphic editor or printer. 

Customizable Designs

You can customise the designs for your printable label stickers. But there are some considerations that you need to keep in mind. Such as-

  • Digitization of Image

An All-in-one printer can easily digitise your images of label stickers. Basically, a scanner does the job. So, you must choose a printer that supports scanning. Check on “How To Scan From HP Printer To Chromebook” for a better understanding. 

  • Isolation of Design

Sometimes, you need to scan a particular portion of your design. Then, it is necessary to cut that portion and isolate them properly for further scanning. 

Cost Of Label Stickers

Colour stickers cost a little bit higher than black and white label stickers. Besides, higher quality, paper thickness, complex designs, etc also impact the cost performance of your homemade label stickers.  

Choosing The Right Printer

This is the most vital factor as per our thoughts. You should choose a printer that is compatible with label sticker printing. Otherwise, all of your efforts will go in vain. 

Sticker Cutting Process

There are two common ways of label sticker cut. They are

  • Die Cut 

This method is helpful to ensure the perfect shape of a printable label sticker. You can use a Cricut or laser machine for die cutting when making label stickers at home. You can check this article on “5 Best Printer For Cricut Print And Cut”. 

  • Kiss Cut

If you’re dealing with multiple sheets of label stickers, Kiss cut is more effective than the die-cut process. You can easily apply the kiss cut on the top label sticker paper layer through a cutting machine.  

Get Things Ready Before Starting

This is the issue that people overlook in most cases. Will you want to make the same mistake?

We don’t think so.
To avoid the further hassle, you must gather all necessary materials beside you before starting the making.  

Necessary Tips For Easy Printing And Distribution  

  • Check Print Output Thoroughly
  • Ensure Proper Use Of Laminating Sheets
  • Cutting Of Label stickers

Final Words

This is all about How To Make Label Stickers At Home in 2023. We hope this article has solved your issues and brought out ease in your label sticker-making process. Please let us know your opinion. 

If you have more queries, contact us immediately. We can ensure you get the best information and reviews on different printing options. 

That’s all for today. Happy printing.