How To Make Pictures On Your Phone Into Polaroids – Simple Step-By-Step Guidelines

Are you thinking of decorating your home with some polaroid pictures but don’t have a polaroid camera? 

If so, then save your worries as today we’ll be learning how to make pictures on your phone into polaroids.

Nowadays a polaroid camera isn’t really necessary for having a polaroid picture since smartphones have taken over this job along with many others. So, if you wanna add a little extra flavor to your home decorations then bear with me as I guide you through the process.

How to make Polaroid Pictures without a Polaroid Camera using your Phone

If your phone camera is good enough, then you may also find it a lot better for taking pictures compared to a polaroid camera. On top of that, there are a lot of free apps that provide various editing features to spice up your precious memories. Moreover, if you love taking selfies and want to turn them into polaroids then your smartphone can be a decent companion for you.

Well, you can easily create a digital copy of a polaroid picture through your smartphones or tablets. But you will need a polaroid printer in case you are looking for a physical copy of the pictures. Furthermore, there are multiple ways of doing this task. So, let’s dive headfirst into them:

Steps to take a Polaroid Picture Directly from your Phone

  1. Go to the app store and choose a suitable app for taking Polaroid framed pictures. Some of our preferred apps will be mentioned further in the blog.
  2. Install the app and open it.
  3. Choose a suitable polaroid frame.
  4. Take a picture through the frame.
  5. You can adjust the lights and color of the picture or add a filter if you like through the editing options. These features may vary depending on the app that you are using.
  6. Now you have the digital copy of a polaroid framed picture. So, you can keep it this way and post it on social media if you want to.
  7. But, if you want to have a physical copy then you can print it through a polaroid or portable photo printer. 

Steps to make a Picture from your Phone’s Camera Roll into Polaroid 

  1. Go to the app store and select an app that provides suitable polaroid frame features.
  2. Install the app and open it.
  3. Choose an image from your camera roll.
  4. Now add your preferred polaroid frame to the image.
  5. Go crazy on the editing options. For instance, Adjust the color and lights according to your mood or add filters and stickers if you want to. Although these filters may differ depending on the app you chose.
  6. Save the image. Now you have a digital copy of the polaroid picture. 
  7. If you want a physical polaroid photo then you can print it out through a polaroid or portable photo printer.

Our Top Picks for the Apps with Polaroid Frame Features

So here are some of the apps that we liked the most for making the pictures of your phone into polaroids. These apps are available on both Android and IOS. So, we sincerely hope that you find one that suits all your needs.

  • Nichi.
  • Oldroll.
  • Retro Cam. 
  • 1998 Cam.
  • Instaroid.
  • VNTG.
  • InstaMini.

Our Top Picks for the Polaroid Printer

Here are some Polaroid printers that are among the bests:

Most of these devices have a smartphone app particularly made for them. So you might wanna try out the editing features that come with these apps.

How to Turn pictures into Polaroids free of Cost

Most of the polaroid frame apps are free to download on your phone. So, you only need to spend the initial cost of a polaroid printer if you don’t already have one. 

But, in case you don’t want to purchase a polaroid printer then there is a way to save the amount. So let’s discuss the steps for turning pictures of your phone into polaroids without using a polaroid printer:

  1. Make some digital copies of polaroid pictures on your phone. You can easily do this task by following the methods that I have mentioned before in this blog.
  2. Then collage the pictures into one frame using a suitable collaging app. Make sure you keep enough space between the pictures for making a polaroid-shaped cut.
  3. Print out the collaged image using a good-quality photo printer. If you don’t have a photo printer then you can always print it out from a decent printing store.
  4. When done, take a scissor and cut out each of the pictures according to the shape of a polaroid picture.

How to Turn pictures into polaroids online

If you don’t want the hassle of downloading a smartphone app for the task then good news for you! 

There is a very convenient way for turning the pictures on your phone into polaroids without using any smartphone apps at all. So let’s try out this process:

  1. Go to a website that offers free polaroid templates.
  2. Sign up with your email account or use other options for signing in.
  3. Choose a pretty polaroid template.
  4. Upload a picture from your gallery or drive.
  5. Edit the image or add texts and stickers if you feel like it.
  6. Save the photo on your device.
  7. If you want a hard copy of the image then you can print it out by following any of the methods mentioned above.

Check out these websites that we found suitable for the task:

Hope it helps!


So, here are answers to some frequently asked questions. Hopefully, you will find them to be helpful.

1. Which Portable Printers are Best for Printing Polaroid Photos?

The answer depends on your preference as there are many decent portable photo printers to choose from. But, we will surely recommend a Fujifilm Instax Mini link Printer or an HP Sprocket Printer as they are among the bests nowadays.

2. Which is the Best Photo Paper for Printing Polaroid Pictures?

When it comes to polaroid pictures, Zink paper is surely the best one. These papers use heat to produce photos instead of ink. Furthermore, they are quite smudge-resistant and waterproof.

3. Are Polaroid Pictures Supposed to be Shaken?

No, it’s not a good idea to shake a polaroid picture after printing. Mostly because it can sometimes create an unwanted mark or harm the image. Furthermore, it’s unnecessary to shake a polaroid picture as the modern versions naturally dry behind a clear plastic coat.

Final Thoughts

Nowadays, digital copies of images have taken over the good old-fashioned physical copies. Nevertheless, there is something special about holding a cherished memory that can’t be explained in words. 

Moreover, polaroid pictures always add an aesthetic look to your home regardless of the time. So, now that we have learned how to make pictures on your phones into polaroids, you can turn your memories into physical polaroid copies too. 

That’s it for now. Thanks for staying with Printer Insight. Have a great and joyful day!