How To Scan A Polaroid On iPhone In 2023

Even in this era of high-resolution camera days, polaroid pictures haven’t lost their fame. Nowadays polaroid pictures have become so famous that social media Instagram has started creating polaroid collages and portraits. 

Whether you may get fascinated with the Polaroids or become nostalgic, Polaroids can be a great shot in recent times. But sometimes their surfaces get damaged. So, how to solve it?

All you need to do is digitalize the picture rather than printing it again. In this article, we are going to describe  How To Scan A Polaroid On iPhone in all possible and easy ways. 

How To Scan A Polaroid Photo On iPhone

Now you may have a question, What is the best way to print polaroid photos on an iPhone? What things should you consider? 

Well, picture clicking speed, resolution, and picture quality are all considerations. Here are four ways to scan polaroid photos-

  • Smartphone and app-based scanning
  • Digital Camera Scanning
  • Sheet Feed scanning &
  • Flatbed scanning. 

But today we will only focus on the smartphone and app-based scanning for showing you the process of How To Scan A Polaroid On iPhone. Let’s get started. 

Use Of  Notes App On Your iPhone

This is one of the simple ways to scan your polaroid photo on an iPhone. Follow these below mentioned steps to get your polaroid photo in the camera roll-

  • First, open the notes app, and then click on the new note.
  • Now you will find a small camera icon, which is displayed above the keyboard. Click on the icon.
  • Now you will find a lot of options that are displayed on your screen.
  • Now choose to scan documents.
  • Now put your desired polaroid on a flat surface.
  • Ensure good lighting.
  • Now put your camera toward the polaroid at a 90-degree angle and restrain the use of flash, if you want a clear picture.
  • Place the camera carefully to fit the polaroid.

Now your phone will automatically scan the photo. After that, click save to finish saving the note. But remember, there is no way to save the photo in your photo gallery. Either you have to take a screenshot or have to edit the note from the camera roll. 

Use Of Polar iOS App

Polar iOS app can digitize your polaroid photo in no time. For this, you have to-

  • Download the app first.
  • After that, open this app and point the camera toward your desired polaroid.
  • When your polaroid will fit into the camera frame, the app will start detecting.
  • As soon as the app detects, click to save the photo into your photo gallery.
  • The photo will automatically be edited and saved. 

Use Of Google photoscan

Google Photoscan by google helps to convert polaroid photos easily to digital photos. All you need to fit your polaroid into the camera frame. Another advantage is that this app is suitable for both android and iPhones. Now carefully follow these steps-

  • Go to the App Store to download this app.
  • After that, wait for the app’s camera’s interface to open.
  • Point the camera 90-degree angle toward the photo.
  • Using the camera’s frame, adjust the polaroid properly.
  • Now you will find round and white circles appearing in your display.
  • After that you need to set your focus.
  • This app will take about 5 minutes to work on the photo.
  • It crops the image and enhances it.
  • After editing the image, save the photo in your photo gallery. 

Use Of Scanning Software 

Polaroids fade over time. So after clicking, it is better to scan the photo as early as possible. You can use a regular scanner to do this after you connect it with your phone. Some of the best scanning software is VueScan, image capture. 

Whatever, you can also go for flatbed scanning. But this way is a little bit costly and time-consuming. Moreover, you have to learn at first how the scanner works. A scan adapter is needed for high-quality pictures. So, this way is only recommended for professional users. 

Before giving our final verdict, let’s go through some related questions


1. Can you scan Polaroids with a scanner?

Yes, you can scan Polaroids with a scanner. Well, it is better not to use a printer scanner. They are usually for scanning documents, and papers. However, for scanning Polaroids, you need scan adaptors to create a space between scanner glass and the photo. Otherwise, in the image, you will find round rings appearing, known as Newton’s ring. They ruin the images. And tapes to cling with the scan adapter. Then put it inside the scanner. Then scan your polaroid. 

2. Can you scan Polaroid film?

Yes, you can scan polaroid film using scanning software. Fuji Instax film is stable to use. You can use it for months, years even after taking it without any hassle. 

3. Can you scan Instax?

Yes, you can scan Instax. Fuji Instax is one of the stable films, you can scan it months, in years after purchasing it without any problem. 

Final Verdict 

We think this article on How to scan A polaroid on iPhone is helpful for you.  At first, you may find it quite difficult, but eventually, you will get used to it. 

Therefore, don’t let your closet be packed with Polaroid photos. Rather digitize them using your iPhone and share them with your friends and families. 

That’s all for now. Have a great day!

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