Phaser Vs Laser Printer | Two Biggest Rivals In The History Of Printers

Solid ink printers are the eldest printers available in the market. After the introduction of Phaser printers, solid ink printers started to lose their charm. Phaser printers have a good reputation for durability and longevity.

For a long time, Phaser printers ruled the market over solid ink printers. Suddenly technology becomes more enriched. Printers companies launched a new technology namely Laser printers. These printers then started challenging the Phaser technology of printers.

A Birds Eye View Of Phaser Technology Printers

When customers are looking to buy a printer then they set a certain number of criteria. One of the major features is long-lasting ability. Taking this point seriously, printer companies launched a new technology named Phaser.

Xerox phaser printers are globally known for their outstanding performances. Maximum printers fail to deal with paper handling capability. Taking this thing into account Phaser printer technology starts working on the basis of that.

Paper handling capability becomes tremendous after the second improvement of Phaser printers. Phaser printers can print all types of documents. Image printing is also marvelous in Phaser technology printers. These printers are not only known for best printing but also for their customer friendliness.

Phaser printers are not able to use LCD technology. LCD technology has a different point of view apart from Phaser printers. Tektronix printing of color and imaging division are major features of Phaser printers.

An Outside Detailed View Of Xerox Phaser Printer - Phaser Vs Laser Printer

Technology Behind Phaser Technology Printers

When Phaser technology printers were first introduced they were incapable of handling many issues regarding heat. Phaser printers are then improved. In Phaser printers, all the components inside are very compact.

The nozzles are fast enough to print documents at a faster rate. These printers are not only used for grayscale printing but also for color printing. The issues regarding blur printing are missing here. Phaser printers use cartesian technology for printing documents.

The DLP technology is properly-suited with Phaser technology printers. In the below section we will discuss the advantages of Phaser technology printers. After analyzing the sections, customers can decide whether to buy these printers or not.

Notable Advantages Regarding Phaser Technology Printers

Now is the time to learn about some of the noteworthy advantages of Phaser technology printers. These printers not only provide good services but also customer satisfaction. Here, some of the major advantages are given below:

  • The main advantage of Phaser technology printers are, they can halt the emission of radiation. The emission of radiation is not only dangerous for human health but also for the environment. From this point of view, Phaser printers are environmentally friendly.
  • Energy consumption is a major issue regarding printers. At an earlier stage, Phaser printers were used to consume a higher amount of energy. Later, Phaser printers improved their technology so that less energy can be consumed.
  • Previously we mentioned, Phaser printers use cartesian technology. So while printing complex shapes these printers maintain proper shape. For this attribute, Phaser printers are globally renowned. So geometric shape is maintained properly here.
  • Zero flicking is also another tremendous feature of Phaser technology printers. These printers ensure that no fracking can affect the printing quality. These printers are also available in impact and non-impact versions. Impact and Non-impact version printers are helpful in their own ways.
  • Though maintenance of Phaser technology printers are a little bit tough where the installation is very easy. Xerox Phaser technology printers are very friendly. A detailed manual is provided while buying these printers.
  • Xerox phaser printers are capable of dealing with any sort of operating system. These printers can work fine with Windows, Linux and Mac fields. No report regarding the operating system is found in reviews. For detail review user can visit,
  • In the case of Phaser printing technology, the yielding of papers is very high. As a result, people can afford this printer. Some printers provide a double cassette system to give more space for papers. Papers can not be altered frequently for this reason.
  •  Phaser technology printers provide safety measurements properly. Companies ensure to make safety measurements properly. No reporting of deadly accidents till now. The safety measure instructions mainly deal with these measurements.
  • The number of pixels in Phaser technology printers is high. As a result, while printing it captures all the dimensions properly and prints all the sides precisely. These printers are well known for their perfect printing capability.
  • Air pressure inside these printers are well controlled. These printers handle air in a perfect way. The precise air pressure allows printers to work efficiently under any circumstances.
  • Earlier Phaser technology printers were heavy in weight. Later, Phaser technology printers focus to reduce the weight of printers. Recent printers are relatively lightweight. As a result, customers can move these printers easily along with comfortably.

The advantages of Phaser technology printers are only confined within the upper points. With the advent of new technologies, Phaser technology printers are doing really great. Solid ink printers are incapable of competing with Phaser technology printers now.

After learning the advantages, now it is time to learn about some of the disadvantages of Phaser technology printers. To solve the mystery of Phaser Vs Laser printers it is mandatory to learn about the individual pros and cons of individual technologies.

Some Disadvantages Of Phaser Technology Printers

The disadvantages of Phaser technology printers are given below. The disadvantages are gathered using mass research. Customer reviews are observed from different social media sites. The disadvantages are listed below:

  • The main issue regarding Phaser printers is that it has a heavyweight over other printers. The printers are not always portable. This is the main issue gathered from social media sites.
  • Ghost spot is another issue reported by users. Ghost spot is a certain point that comes out of nowhere. Customers sometimes feel really uncomfortable with this issue.
  • These printers refresh more than other printers. While refreshing printers consume some time along with energy. That increases the cost of customers. New printers have successfully overcome this situation.
  • The response of the Phaser technology printers is not always fast. To solve the issue companies started to provide powerful features that can cover other problems. Customers are always not happy with the response time.
  • Grayscale images are hard to print. In the case of the Phaser printers, it is tough sometimes to print a grayscale image properly. In different places, there are issues regarding this topic. 

Above mentioned disadvantages are not always applicable to all models. Most companies are trying their best to overcome the older problems. Phaser technology printers are really doing good over solid ink printers.

Notable Advantages Regarding Laser Technology Printers

In the previous sections, we have learnt about Phaser technology printers. Xerox phaser solid ink printer is a hybrid printer combining two technologies. Now our focus is on laser printers. In the below sections we will learn about some of the key features of laser printers.

  • The main feature of Laser printers are, they are very fast. When you need to print things at a very faster rate, you can use Laser printers. Laser printers are also used for mass printing. These printers are equally good for the office and home.
  • Laser printers are well known for their lower consumption of energy. Though in some cases it has been reported that electricity cost is greater than other sorts of printers. Yet this technology is energy efficient.
  • Cartesian technologies are more precise but not fast enough. Laser printers do not use cartesian technology, that is the reason they are very fast along with they are also very precise while printing complex objects.
  • .Number of pixels in Laser technology printers are comparatively higher than other types of printers. For having a higher number of printers it can print all types of objects with every detail.
  • Laser printers are environment friendly and do not leak any sort of radiation. But When we asked users about this feature they informed us about some heat issues regarding Laser printers.
  • Laser printers provide a good number when it is the case of yielding of pages. These printers are very economical for mass printing. But when we talk about printing at home then Laser printers might not be able to provide it’s best performance. 
  • A proper user manual is provided with Laser printers. All the best companies provide a safety manual that has every detail on how to use these printers. Users can go through the manual and learn every detail they need to learn about these printers.
  •  Operating system is a system software. When we first open a device, the first thing that runs over the screen is the operating system. Printers often face issues regarding operating systems. Laser printers are very efficient in this case. They are compatible with all kinds of operating systems.
  • Air pressure inside Laser printers is okay. There is an issue with the cooling system with Laser printers. This issue is completely removed by HP and other renowned printers company
  • The main advantage of Laser printers are they are customer friendly in the case of economy and longevity. These printers are well in reach of customers. That is one of the reasons why these printers are used by so many people globally.
  • Laser printers are lighter than other types of printers. This feature helps these printers to gain popularity within a shorter period of time. Laser printers are easy to move from one place to another.

For learning pricing and other details customers can visit the site and learn all the necessary stuff they need to know. 

Laser Printers On Amazon.som.

An Outer Detailed Look Of Laser Printer - Phaser Vs Laser Printer

Solving The Unanswered Question: Phaser VS Laser Printers

Now it is the time to learn about the key differences between Laser printers and Phaser printers. Both printers are good in their own way. Maximum articles covered topics about Xerox phaser 3330, Xerox phaser 7500 and Xerox phaser 7800.

Apart from Xerox phaser 3330, Xerox phaser 7500 and Xerox phaser 7800, we have tried to include other information in this article. The main differences between these printers are stated below. 

In table I we have tried to separate the detailed comparison between these printers. Column I represents the attributes of each printer. These attributes are selected based on detailed research. Taking account of other factors we have set the attributes.

Two other columns show the differences between both these printers regarding these attributes. The attributes are detailed and precise. We have tried to make the content as precise as possible.

Attributes of printersPhaser Technology PrintersLaser Technology Printers
Issues regarding to heatNot availableAvailable but in minor cases
Presence of PolymersExtremely no use of polymersExtremely no use of polymers
Price of printersEconomicEconomic than Phaser printers
Presence of LEDPresentNot present
FDM, SDMNot available in all printersAvailable in most printers
Yielding of pagesHigh amount of yielding of papersHigh amount of yielding of papers
Mass PrintingIs not always a good option for mass printingUsually very much recommended for mass printing
Sharp Edge TechnologyAvailable and preciseThis unique feature is not  available in all printers
Sound IssueYesNo
Laser Film PresenceAbsentPresent in high quantity
Compatibility with OSVery much compatibleVery much compatible
Printing CapacityHighHigh
Office UsageCan be used in officesMainly built for mass printing in office
Printing MediumDuplexDuplex
Duplex Printing (Automatic) Not always availableYes
Quality Of Color PrintingVery good in the case of color printing but grayscale printing is an issueVery good in the case of color printing and also in grayscale printing

                  Table I – Detailed Difference Between Phaser Printers And Laser Printers 

Now it is the time to answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding Phaser Vs Laser printers. Phaser vs Laser printers is a hot topic. Xerox phaser 3330, Xerox phaser 7500, Xerox phaser 7800 always ruled the market.

On the contrary Laser printers are very much friendly for office uses and mass printing, Xerox solid ink printers is also one of the big names in the field of printing technology. Taking everything on account now we will move towards the FAQ section.

The FAQ questions are selected based on the most asked questions over the social media. But these questions are not always answered properly. In this article, we have tried to answer some of the questions which are necessary to learn while answering the Phaser vs Laser printers.


  1. Is Xerox Phaser A Laser Printer?

Typically there is no reason to mix the concept of Phaser printers with a Laser printer. Laser printers have unique technology which is different from Phaser printers. So in short, Xerox phaser is in no way a Laser printer.

  1. Can The Xerox Phaser 6510 Scan?

Xerox phaser 6510 is one of the latest technology printers launched by Xerox company. This printer has almost the latest technology available including scanning. The scanning quality is also high and can be very precise.

Phaser Printers From Xeroz - Phaser Vs Laser Printer
  1. Is Laser The Best Print Quality?

Laser printers are well known for fast and efficient printing. Laser printers can print documents at a higher speed than other printers. Quality depends on many things. Laser printers are specialized in many criterias but not in all sectors. So we can call Laser one of the best quality printers available.


Phaser Vs Laser is an argument that will not be solved using one article only. There are so many features that can be compared with each other. In this article we have tried to reach all the necessary attributes you need to learn about these printers.

We always try to enlighten our users to learn distinct things about printers. From this point of view we have decorated this article with all the necessary information you need to learn about these printers.